Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Jud's pork tenderloin

Jud is the griller in our family. He is so good at it that I never tried to learn.  My mom told me when I got married to never learn to do something that your husband does well, or it will become your job.  I have taken that lesson to heart.

1 pork tenderloin (plain)
1/2 bottle Italian dressing
Marinade the pork in the Italian dressing for at least 2 hours.  Jud pours the marinade over at lunch and takes it out when he is ready to grill.
Prepare the grill and let the coals get hot.  Place the pork tenderloin (throw the marinade away) on the grill and grill for about 20-25 min.  Turn often.  Jud and I have a running argument about cutting the pork in 1/2. I say it lets all the juices run out, but he is the boss of the grill so he cuts it in 1/2 after about 20 min. to check to see if it is done. It is always delecious, so he must be right.

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